What is SOS:Queens?
SOS: Queens is a grassroots movement to bolster the financial stability of the local Queens elementary schools through the support of all local residents. The program was founded in response to the growing financial burdens that the schools face each year, and that local elementary schools are often overlooked .by charity donors.
Who is spearheading the program?
SOS:Queens is led by a committee of local residents, directed by Rav Hershel Welcher and a spectrum of other local Rabbonim.
Why do elementary schools need my support if parents pay tuition?
The reality is that standard tuition is inadequate to cover the cost of educating a child.
I do not have any young children. Why should I participate?
Whether you have elementary-aged children or not, everyone in our community benefits from strong, dynamic local schools. They make our community more attractive and our neighborhoods more vibrant..
Does SOS:Queens take any commission from donations?
No. We do not take a fee or commission from any donation amounts, and all fund allocation decisions are made by the donor. Contributions made through this web site are processed directly by each of the selected schools..
What is the recommended donation?
The recommended donation amount, as endorsed by tthe local Rabbonim, is 50% of one's annual tzedaka contributions, up to a total donated amount of $4,000. For those that already contribute more than the recommended amount, their generous support continues to set the example for the rest of the community.
Why only elementary schools? What about high schools and Batei Medrash?
Schools for older children often have a broader base of donors who support their cause. Elementary schools tend to have more limited fundraising options available to them.